Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Full Disclosure

...I also knit now.

But it's not "real" knitting (I have a friend who will flog me for that). It's loom knitting.
The modern miracle that is The Knifty Knitter. You've seen them, I'm certain.

I learned to needle knit for a production of A Doll's House in 2000. The moment I left the stage, all knowledge of knitting emptied out of my brain.

One of the craftay-mamas of which I spoke in my "scrub rush" post taught me how to knit on a circle loom, and once again I became addicted. I may or may not struggle with addictive personality traits. I'm just saying.

There. I think I have divulged all of my craftiness. Photography, soap making, and knitting. That's enough to balance out the artiness of my career.

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The state flower of Tennessee. Photography by Brenda Sparks.