Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Loving Links - CMC Photo Contest Update

The folks over at Capture Music City are sending some love out there to those of us who have linked them to our blogs.

Thanks, CMC!

Now I have to stop being a total slacker and neglecting my blog.

Seriously, I've been spending so much time taking photos and uploading them to the Capture Music City site I haven't had any spare time to update my blog.

Live internet radio show still going to happen. The format remains to be decided.

I'm still conditioning for Shakespeare in the Park. I've added a Zumba class to my exercise regiment. Very fun.

I now have 196 photos posted to Capture Music City.

Some of them need to come down, and there are others to go up so keep checking.

Thanks to all of you who have shared such supportive comments regarding my shots. I truly love photography and have never participated in anything like this.

Also, to clarify an earlier comment regarding the beautiful photographic work on Capture Music City, it is being submitted by professional and amateur alike. There are hobbyists, semi-professionals, amateurs, and stone cold lifers who are all submitting excellent work.

I first submitted a handful of photos on a lark. Now, it has become a high point of my days to check into the site and view the new submissions.

Great work from a very talented group of people, professional and amateur alike.

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have recently been contacted by two friends from my past. One from middle school, the other from high school and college. Living in the age of new technology has its perks. Although it adds distance and anonymity to our daily life (what with banking and other daily acitivities almost fully automated, and hand-written letters nearly obsolete) it brings a once distant life closer. With sites like and their ilk, long lost souls are a mere click away.

The live internet radio talk show is cooking. I should have some news to share by month's end.

I have started back to the gym to condition for the upcoming summer show. An outdoor, summer Shakespeare festival is no walk in the park in Tennessee. Temperatures often exceed 100 degrees in the bandshell. It is not for the faint of heart, but I love it. Nothing makes me feel more alive than performing outdoor theatre (for FREE) under the stars in Centennial Park.

I now have 142 photos entered into the Capture Music City photo contest.

Back soon to update on the radio show.

My daughter starts summer school in the a.m.

Time is flying.


The state flower of Tennessee. Photography by Brenda Sparks.